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Last post by Admin Riley in Carson Grant
Mar 23, 2015 23:05:12 GMT -5
Angels are the opposite of demons. They come from the heavenly dimension. They are under the ruling of 'God'. Most angels that have been sent to earth have had them memory pratically wiped so they can't give away what God is like or what heaven is like. They have the power of light and divinity.
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Werewolves. They are humans that turn into a huge wolf during the full moon. They are esentially human. They are faster, stronger and all their senses are enhanced. As well as turning on a full moon, werewolves change when they are angered and/or injured.
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Last post by Admin Riley in Keziah Sampson
Mar 11, 2015 10:19:36 GMT -5
Fallen angels are angels that have disgraced God and have been banished from the relm of heaven. The still have many powers of angels, but their magic is no longer pure and good, but corrupted. Sometimes it's weaker and others it's stonger.
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Vampires were once human, but were turned by another vampire. They are the undead. Their structure is essentially the same. However, they are quicker faster and stronger. Vampires need to drink human blood in order to survive.
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Last post by Admin Riley in Riley (Rithudel) Danforth
Mar 11, 2015 10:21:46 GMT -5
Demons are from hell...Their powers vary depending on the demon. Their life span is longer than a humans. They are essentially evil and DO have souls, just like people. Some demons can be good though. Ruled over by Lucifer, head of the demons, but doesn't nessarily mean they follow him. Like angels, there can be rogue demons.
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Last post by cosvallmacarde in Mp4 PelĂ­cula Adverse HD 1080P Google Drive
May 17, 2020 4:09:25 GMT -5
Your regular run of the mill humans, some are hunters, some are demon seekers. You may be a mage or someone who just wants to survive.
9 posts 5 threads